Monday, November 2, 2015

The Omnivore's Delusion and Real Food, Real Farming Reading Response

I agree with Pollan that corn is to blame for a lot of America's health problems. I hadn't thought about it until now, but I've realized that most of the cheap food we consume these days contains corn or corn syrup or is fed corn. I never really saw corn as "unhealthy" but I guess it's just the way that Americans use corn that is unhealthy. I have to disagree with Hurst's argument that using corn is ok because thats what farmers have been using for years. Just because something is a tradition doesn't mean it's a good thing, especially if that tradition is one of the suspects for the obesity epidemic.
Even though I didn't completely agree with all of Hurst's ideas, I enjoyed reading his article, The Omnivore's Delusion: Against the Agri-intellectuals. I thought his rhetoric was a good blend of informational and humorous. For example, in the first paragraph when he says, "He's talking about food, damning farming, particularly livestock farming, compensating for his lack of knowledge with volume" (Hurst, 204)

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